

Filipinos are always late as an old adage goes. It has become an agreement by many Filipinos that every event will start late because of FILIPINO TIME. But what is Filipino time, really? Why do we tolerate such a bad attitude? Is this the reason why most of us don’t succeed in life and becoming Juan Tamad instead?
It has a become famous phrase that Filipinos are always late. From every party, school events and etc, still it will start thirty minutes aftr the agreed time. It is ad to know that this embarrassing attitude have become a known act by Filipinos. Is there still hope to become early and throw the bad image we have?
However, I still believe there is still hope. If we could learn to manage our time and give importance to others then maybe, everything will not suffer from being late. It is a very bad act for a new employee to be late in his works same as bad to let audiences wait for a show because the city mayor is still on the other side of the planet. If we just have to become more concern on others and become conscious about time, then FILIPINO time will become FILIPINO on TIME.
I know that Filipinos are not late because they want to become Juan Tamad. In fact, the Filipinos I know are hard workers and persistent laborers. Hard workers Filipinos have dreams in their heart. And have plans for their family and loved ones. They have to work in order to put food on the table. And to thjose Filipinos who are inconsiderate and lazy. Well, one thing is for sure, when everything has all passed. WE CAN NEVER TURN BACK the TIME. WE should spend our time wisely and let’s not give others reasons why Filipinos are lazy. Because this is not TRUE! 

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