
Fish Kill Phenomenon: Another Havoc Filipinos Have to Conquer

It’s all in the news today. Massive fish kill in the Philippines is now greatly affecting local Filipino fishermen’s income, family and lives. Could this be another havoc Filipinos have to conquer?
                The fish kill phenomenon in our country is now the main reason why many people no longer buy fish. This massive problem is now already ruining the fish industry in the country. Experts said that one of the reasons for the fish kill is the violation of fish cages’ sizes and depth. Fish cages should be 10 meters. Also the fish pens should have 10 tons of cultured fish only and if this exceeds, the fishes will have to compete for oxygen thus could result, massive fish kill. The constant change of weather is also cited to be one of the things that contributed to the problem.
                In the Philippines, where six out of ten Filipinos only eat three times a day, this fish kill phenomenon is a big problem. Take for instance, Mang Isko. He is a simple fisherman who has six children to support. If he will have no fishes to sell because of the fish kill, then only God knows what will happen to him and his family. Mang Isko is just one of the fishermen who are greatly devastated by the fish kill. Until now, experts are still unsure of how to solve the problem.
                Moreover, the massive fish kill is now affecting other lakes in the country. This means that more Filipino families will be affected. Let’s just hope that this problem will not worsen and instead put trust and faith to Him.               
But looking to the other side of the coin, Filipinos have undergone many problems in the past. And Filipinos have remained strong and positive. Filipinos know how to make both ends meet during these hard times and learn to adapt and adjust to the present situation.

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